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A Better Kind of To-Do List

Lifestyle | Love

I’m blind without my glasses, but sometimes, before I even put them on in the morning, I am getting on my phone to go over my to-do list. I update it and move things around according to things like the weather (I love making yoga videos outside among the trees, but I don’t think my computer would particularly enjoy being rained on!).

I tell myself that this gives my day a jump start and that I can get more done when I am constantly aware of the things that need my attention, but all it does is serve as a weight that squishes all the fun out of the day.

Leaving Room For Spontaneity

When we plan for every moment of the day, we leave no opportunity for spontaneity. With no wiggle room, there is no time to smell a rose, enjoy a snuggle with your partner, run through your yard with your dog, or even snap a pic of a rainbow for your Instagram!

When there is no space, there is no room for unforeseen opportunities. There is no room for Divine intervention.So, let’s make a whole new kind of to-do list!

stacy porter - A Better Kind Of To-Do List Credit: Stacy Porter

I call it a Could-Do List. This means that there is no guilt involved when you don’t have time to do everything you’ve written down. Perhaps you get a few hours off and you put up your feet and read a good book.

It wasn’t on the list, but it makes you happy. Everything on the list should be flexible and friendly.Here is what a Could-Do List could look like:

  • Enjoy a cup of tea
  • Take a walk outside
  • Smile at work
  • Hug 3 people
  • Say thank you more
  • Wear fuzzy socks
  • Eat (or, even better, drink!) some greens
  • Light a candle at dinner to add some romance lighting to the space
  • Do cartwheels (or backbends, whatever you want) in the yard
  • Dance to a favorite song
  • Go to sleep early

These are only a few suggestions. It doesn’t really matter what you add to yours as long as it brings a smile to your face. There are so many things in this world that are beyond our control. Why do we want to tie ourselves down even more?

All that you really need to do every day is breathe, nourish your body, and love yourself and others. A Could-Do List simply means to expand on those necessities, reminding you to have fun with your time and enjoy the moments you are given on this earth.

Your To-Do List should only have “Live” written on it. Your Could-Do List is what prompts happy moments and a more grateful approach towards everything that comes your way.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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