How To Do Eagle Pose

Eagle pose (Garudasana) is named after Garuda, the mythical “king of the birds”. While Garuda is very large — larger than life, in fact — the pose is quite compressed,

How To Do Hero Pose

Hero pose (Virasana) is a simple yet powerful seated pose that can be used for meditation, pranayama, or even after a meal to aid with digestion. Despite its unassuming nature,

How To Do Garland Pose

Many years ago, squatting was an unassuming, everyday pose, not just one that was done in yoga class. Nowadays, sitting and slouching for hours at a time has become the

How To Do Upward Plank Pose

Upward Plank pose, also known in Sanskrit as Purvottanasana, is loosely translated as “intense Eastern stretch,” representing the deep stretch across the front (Eastern side) of the body. While it

How To Do Bow Pose

Dhanurasana or Bow Pose is aptly named for the curved shape of the body, like an archer’s bow ready to release an arrow. Learn how to do Bow pose here.

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