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Michelle Obama Shifts To Yoga As She Turns 50

Lifestyle | People

She may be envied by many because of her bicep curls but the FLOTUS aka first lady Michelle Obama, is shifting to yoga as she turns 50. In an interview with People magazine, Mrs. Obama discussed why she’s tweaking her workout from weight lifting and cardio to yoga:

"I'm seeing myself shift from weight-bearing stuff – even though that continues to be important – and the heavy cardio and running, to things like yoga that will keep me flexible.”

It seems that the first lady is eyeing to keep her health and body in shape in her 60s and 70s, a period where many women suffer from bone breakage. For Mrs. Obama, yoga is a way to keep her flexibility and balance, “so that I’m not falling and breaking a hip one day.”

The first lady is well-known for her health and fitness advocacy. Promoting healthy eating and physical activity, she leads the “Let’s Move” campaign, a program designed to reduce child obesity in the US.

Image credit: Let's Move

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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