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The Week In Yoga #14

Happiness | Lifestyle

It's been a pretty fun week here at DOYOU — what with men in yoga pants, meditation in a minute, yoga with cats (!), tush-toning yoga poses, x-ray yoga, and loads more.

If you weren't lucky enough to catch any of that, no worries! This week's edition of The Week In Yoga will fill you in on the fun yoga stuff you missed and more. So let's get right to it, shall we? Check these out:

5-Yoga-Poses-For-Bookshelf-Booty5 Yoga Poses For A Bookshelf Booty

I started gymnastics when I was 3 and competed in high school until I was 18. I continued building my butt so much that my leotard looked like it was from the 80’s. So if you too want to raise that @$$, hold these following poses for a 10-breath minimum and repeat all 5 poses 3 times. Read more…

5 Reasons Early Morning Yoga Practices Rock5 Reasons Early Morning Yoga Practices Rock

Yoga is magical and healing no matter what time of day you do it. This article is not meant to discourage you from practicing if doing your practicing in the morning is not doable for you. I simply want to outline some of the many benefits that come with an early morning practice [!xa0!/]

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