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3 Luxurious Ways to Get Deep Sleep

Better Sleep Quality | Sleep

Do you suffer from insomnia or know someone who does? It’s an unbearable way to live – spending sleepless nights willing your mind to stop racing or your body to simply drop off into a reverie of sweet dreams and sound sleep.

While yoga and meditation are absolutely wonderful for helping us sleep like babies, sometimes we need to treat ourselves in a queenly (or kingly!) manner to truly luxuriate in a delicious night of rest.

Here are three luxurious and pampering ways to get deep sleep:

Treat Yourself to an Amazing Bed Fit for Royalty

My Italian great-grandmother always said, if you spend your hard-earned money on any material thing, buy yourself these two items, and make sure they’re of the highest quality. The two necessities were 1) really, really good shoes, and 2) a really, really good bed.

While I’m still working on the shoe thing, I have found the perfect bed. It’s a natural memory foam bed – one that’s made out of the most natural materials available while also having a truly therapeutic touch.

There’s nothing like truly loving your bed as if it’s the most peaceful sanctuary on the planet for a restorative night of rest.

Take Some High-Quality Kava Kava

I’m against over-the-counter sleeping pills and I’ve heard horror stories about the pharmaceutical ones. All these drugs take a toll on your liver and have other harsh side effects that can leave you lying awake at night worrying about health issues other than those related to insomnia.

But there’s a natural way to relax, and the herb that I choose to take before bedtime is kava kava.

Aromatherapy to the Rescue

The plant essences provided to us by Mother Nature herself work wonders when it comes to good sleep. Therapeutic-grade essential oils are some of the most truly luxurious plant medicines out there to ensure your sleep is full of true well-being and sweet, sweet dreams.

Massage yourself with this hormone-balancing blend every night before bed and fall effortlessly into a reverie fit for a queen: (If you’re looking for a good place to source your essential oils, I like Mountain Rose Herbs.)

What You Need

  • 30 drops organic clary-sage essential oil
  • 30 drops organic ylang-ylang essential oil
  • 30 drops organic thyme essential oil
  • 1 ounce of organic sweet almond oil

What to Do

Place all aromatherapeutic ingredients in a little glass vial. One with a dropper is preferable. Massage a few drops of this blend onto your neck and shoulders, your hips and thighs, and the soles of your feet – right before bedtime.

Nighty, night dear Yogis and Yoginis. And Sweet, Sweet Dreams!

Did you know?

When you commit to building heathy sleep habits, you take the first step to become your healthiest self – one full night of good sleep at a time. Check out our Complete Guide to Sleep Disorders – a resource to help you get your quality sleep back. Learn more about sleep disorders, their causes, symptoms and how to overcome them.

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