Yoga Is For Everybody? Not Quite...

This 2-minute quiz shows you if yoga is for you. Or what you should do instead.

Engaged Couple Sees How They Look in Their 90’s (VIDEO)

Yoga | Yoga Videos

Imagine you could fast forward through your life and get a snapshot from different ages along the way. Imagine your hair whitening, your face wrinkling, and the extra twinkle in your eye. Or is that a tear from thinking about all those years that each new age has experienced?

A young, engaged couple that is just about to get married has this unique chance — to see themselves age with the aid of an amazing makeup crew. Awe at their transformations and try not to get too choked up at their loving reactions.

Video Credit: Field Day on YouTube

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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