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The Week In Yoga #35

Happiness | Lifestyle

Before anything else, let us say that 2014 has been a great—nay, awesome!—year for us here at DOYOU, and it's all thanks to you, dear yogis, for staying with us through the new look of the site, the launch of the DOYOU Community, all-new video courses, and tons more! 2014 rocked, but this year will be even better!

And so before we get all mushy-sentimental in here, let's kick off this Week In Yoga with this awesome piece on starting the year all fresh and fab:

8 Yoga Poses to Detox Your Way Into a Fabulous New Year8 Yoga Poses to Detox Your Way to a Fabulous New Year

In our yoga practice, each new breath is a new moment: you can restart any time, all the time. Yoga helps you remain in the present, moving forward, never looking back. Read more…

3 Ways for Anxious People to Practice Meditation3 Ways for Anxious People to Practice Meditation

It took years of failed attempts with a meditation practice to come to this conclusion: an anxious mind does not take to sitting in quietude very kindly. It just doesn’t. Read more…

Find Your OMies Finding Your Niche as a Yoga TeacherFind Your OMies: Finding Your Niche as a Yoga Teacher

When I started narrowing down my yoga teaching focus, things became clearer, and the group of people that I was born to work with started to emerge. Read more…

7 Reasons to Practice Restorative Yoga7 Reasons to Practice Restorative Yoga

Many people look at Restorative yoga as boring or too slow, but even the most active and strength-hungry yogis can benefit from including a Restorative practice into their regular routine. Read more…

7 Ayurvedic Tips for a Dazzling New Year7 Ayurvedic Tips for a Dazzling New Year

Ayurveda is about living your bliss. Its ancient principles endure because they get to the heart of what matters and makes a difference in our lives and our health. Read more…

Yoga Visa Reduces Hassle for TravelersYoga Visa Reduces Hassle for Travelers

Previously, yoga students traveling to Mysore had to obtain a student visa, which came with “a lot” of conditions such as visiting the FRO; however, those with a yoga visa can skip that step. Read more…

A Simple 10-Minute Balancing Yoga SequenceA Simple 10-Minute Balancing Yoga Sequence

Here’s a really simple standing sequence that works the spine in all six directions, plus there’s the opportunity to take your focus inward, which is perfect for the start of a new year. Read more…

Virabhadrasana How to Become a Peaceful Warrior in Times of ConflictVirabhadrasana: How to Become a Peaceful Warrior in Times of Conflict

Practice the following poses and mantras individually or in-sequence to stay present, channel fierceness and fearlessness, and become a Peaceful Warrior in times of conflict. Read more…

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