Yoga Is For Everybody? Not Quite...

This 2-minute quiz shows you if yoga is for you. Or what you should do instead.

Watch Elvis Attempt to Do Yoga and Sing About It (VIDEO)

Happiness | Lifestyle

We all know about Elvis and his Hound Dog, but what about Elvis and his Down Dog? Does your day need a little yogic weirdness? You’re in the right place! Feast your eyes on this little treasure.

Who would’ve thought that with all his hip gyrating, he’d be so lost in a yoga class? Poor guy, no one even told him he could take off his shoes. I guess even the King can have those days: “How can I take this yoga serious, when all that yoga gives to me is pain in my posteriors?”

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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